Premier Plot is an exclusive service designed to assist the discerning buyer acquire the site of their dreams. We welcome your call, whether it's to sell or buy a building plot. You can be sure of a helpful and professional approach. We pride ourselves on offering a friendly and professional service and tailor your specific requirements to uncover the elusive plot for you. We take instructions to undertake specific land searches and we have access to many plots nationwide.
Call now for a free Free Land Valuation and Marketing Appraisal on 0117 3730077
Larger Strategic Sites Wanted
If your land has planning or is 20+ acres and on the edge of town, identified in SHLAA or adopted in the Core Strategy we want to hear about it. Alternatively if it's in the obvious place for town expansion or in a sustainable location with good communications and proven demand please give us a call or visit the Clifton Homes Website.
Buying & Selling Land
Whether it's to sell or buy land. You can be sure of a helpful and professional approach with Landmarket. We utilise the latest software and systems to source and sell land, enabling us to assess land parcels quickly and appraise the planning potential for most sites, saving you time and money.